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Thank You for Letting Me Be Mice Elf Again

Thank You

This is a vocal with layers.  We all play different roles in life, but that doesn't hateful nosotros're phony.  Most of u.s.a. have to exist false at work when dealing with difficult people.  Nosotros have our roles in the family.  Our roles as friends.  Neighbors.  Customers.  Whatever our role, we often don't feel like we can completely be ourselves.

"Thank Y'all (Falettinme Exist Mice Elf Agin)" is nearly that sort of stuff to an extent.  But since it was recorded in 1969 there are also racial and social connotations that are axiomatic upon examination of the lyrics.  The first stanza is nearly law violence, or white supremacist violence in general.

Lookin' at the devil grinnin' at his gun

Fingers commencement shakin', I brainstorm to run

Bullets start chasin', I begin to stop

We begin to wrestle, I was on the top

Racial attitudes were changing, slowly but surely.

I desire to give thanks you falettinme exist mice elf adverse

Thank y'all falettinme be mice elf agin

All any of usa want is to be liked and respected for who we are.  Nobody wants to accept to pretend their mode through life.

Flamin' eyes of people fear burnin' into you

Many men are missin' much, hatin' what they do

Youth and truth are makin' love, dig information technology for a starter, now

Dyin' immature is difficult to take, sellin' out is harder

People are agape of The Other, and then they are prejudiced.  People work jobs they don't like because they need to pay the bills, just so they often miss out on the most important things in life.  Young people are the ones who make the modify in the world.  Nobody should have to sell their soul to get through life.

I chose this vocal because I am looking for an opportunity to be myself 100% of the time.  As long as I work for other people, that cannot happen.  As long equally I have to wear an frock and a name tag, that cannot happen.  Equally long every bit there is a corporate entity signing my measly paychecks, that cannot happen.  In my non-work life, I am myself wherever I become.  I know what'due south advisable and what's not for certain settings, but that'south not being phony; that's being respectful.  I don't get a lot of respect in my current job, either from the visitor or from many of the customers.  But no matter how poorly I am treated—and paid—I am supposed to exist a robot and pretend information technology doesn't bother me.

That's not the fashion it should be.  That's the way it is, of grade, simply that's not the way the world should work.  Some people are always going to be entitled assholes, and in that location's nothing nosotros can do nigh that.  But why should I be required to blot someone'due south insults?  Why should I have to kiss their asses because I'm afraid of losing my part-time, minimum wage job?  Why is this sort of bad behavior rewarded?  Why do people like this have all the power?  This is the basis for the Deviling Economy.  Companies are agape to non requite in to unreasonable demands considering they don't want to lose customers.  Customers can exist as abusive as they similar and there are no negative consequences.  They volition always feel justified, even if anybody else thinks they're a piece of shit.

It should be more like this:

Trip the light fantastic toe to the music all night long

  Everyday people, sing a simple song

Mama'southward so happy, mama starts to cry

Papa's even so singin', you can make it if you try

I would love to piece of work for a company where I was treated fairly and respectfully by everyone.  I would love to not be yelled at about things I cannot control.  I would love to be able to explain things to people who have reasonable reactions to what I'm saying.  Simply that'due south non going to happen whatsoever time before long, so I am not meant to be in customer service.  I like helping people.  I enjoy it when someone I have waited on is happy.  I really do!  But I am not allowed to enjoy my job.  There is too much accent on existence a corporate drone.  I cannot be that.  I can only exist me.

Nobody tells Oprah what to do.  Or Cher.  Or Madonna.  Or Beak Gates.  Or Richard Branson.  These people are all exceptionally successful, and they don't have to compromise who they are.  That's what I want.  And it's not about fuck you money—well, not just about that!  They all had a vision of what they wanted, and they did everything they could to become it.  They failed.  They had some successes.  They failed some more.  Merely they stayed truthful to themselves along the way.  They fabricated it because they tried.

I am not a good actress, even though I have been in a few independent films.  I pretty much played myself in those movies considering I don't know how to become a graphic symbol.  Madonna cannot act for shit, because she'southward Madonna 24-7.  Her persona is bigger than all of her talents combined.  Just she'southward withal successful and powerful.  She does whatever the fuck she wants to exercise.  You lot can call her an attention whore if yous want, you can say she's nothing more than a provocateur.  She is who she is, and fuck off if you don't similar her—you lot'll pay attention to her anyway.

I want to earn a living doing what makes me happy.  I desire to write whatever I want and get paid for information technology.  I want to have time to spend with family and friends.  I desire to exist able to chillax whenever I want to.  I want to do yoga and go to the gym every day.  I desire to cook great meals and brand delicious desserts.  I want to treat people I honey to special gifts only because.  I want to help strangers who are struggling.  I desire to travel and learn different languages.  Considering these things brand me who I am.  This is what nosotros all want out of life, a hazard to be ourselves.  I am not agape of showing the world who I am.  I write this blog to figure my shit out, and to share my journeying with others.

Give thanks you lot, beloved readers, falettinme exist mice elf adverse.
